Sunday, 5 April 2020

Day 14 of Lockdown

Although this is day 14 of official lockdown we have in fact been in this state for 3 weeks now.

To date the list of jobs completed in the house and garden is extensive, I even found a 2 stroke generator in the back of the shed which was a non-runner and I had forgotten about. Took it out into the garden, completely stripped it down, cleaned everything including carburetor jets, rebuilt and got it running on the second pull of the starter, brilliant!

Meanwhile Annette has cleaned so much of the house over & over we are now more sterile than the new temporary hospital at the Excel in London!

Regular walks are a norm now but we also searched around the house, found all the parts of our old wii games machine and found that it still worked, except that we hadn't got any hand controllers! Must have given them to the grandchildren years ago. Not to be defeated two replacements were ordered from Amazon and duly arrived a few days later. Now I can play a round of golf, go for a run in the park and pay a visit to the bowling alley in comfort and safety. 😅

The marina is closed and no-one is allowed to visit which means we haven't visited and checked the boat for a few weeks. I did ring the marina and got them to visit the boat and do a stern gland check for me which was good and Rod, our berthing neighbour, who lives unofficially on his boat also keeps an eye on her and has offered to wash it down for us.

And so this situation continues, we aren't out of the woods yet, not even sure if we are near the peak of the virus outbreak but we are coping well but boy do we need to see our family and friends and get life back to normal.

Will it ever be normal as we know it, who knows?